The VT Classic VT00-XT10 PNA / DGA 80 PLUS rear-mounted nut harvester is specially designed to overcome the limitations of rear-mounted harvesting equipment.
This new series offers you a totally different and innovative product, with high performance and high advantages for the harvesting of nuts and dried fruits.
This machine is mounted on the rear of the tractor.
A model designed and engineered to be able to harvest all types of trees.
Rear vibrating nut collector VT Classic

Main features
- The VT00-XT10 Classic rear-mounted almond harvester is available in two versions:
- PNA 80 Plus
- DGA 80 Plus.
- As standard, it has a three-point locking head with a very low weight.
- Provides a corrected attachment that does not damage trunks, branches or fruit.
- It incorporates continuous circular vibration with intensity variability of up to 40%.
- It is thus perfectly adapted to the harvested trees.
Control and movement of the Rear vibrating nut collector VT Classic
Its double anchoring arms allow it to be attached to logs from 8 to 30 cm in diameter.
As a result, their felling rates are excellent, thanks to the absence of damage during harvesting.
As options we have the Z10 parallel locking system.
With collecting platform or aluminium tubular collecting umbrella (DGA 80 Plus).
Thanks to it we reduce the weight by 70%, limiting breakdowns due to wear and tear.
Unloading system by vertical lift.
In addition, it incorporates a two-pump hydraulic system with multiplier (540 RPM).