Cookie Policy

A cookie is a file that is downloaded to the user’s computer/smartphone/tablet when accessing certain web pages in order to store and retrieve information about the browsing done from said equipment. You can delete them at any time, or reject them by configuring your browser software.

Cookies can be distinguished on the basis of three classifications:

  1. According to the entity that manages it:
    • First-party cookies: These are cookies that are sent to your computer from a computer or domain that is managed by the website itself.
    • Third-party cookies: These are cookies that are sent to your computer from a computer or domain that is managed by another collaborating entity. For example, those used by social networks, or by external content such as Google Maps.
  2. Depending on the length of time they remain activated:
    • Session cookies: These are temporary cookies that remain in the cookie file of your browser until you leave the website, so none of them remain registered on your computer’s hard drive. The information obtained through these cookies is used to analyse web traffic patterns.
    • Persistent cookies: These are stored on the hard disk and the website reads them every time you visit the site. A permanent website has a fixed expiry date. The cookie will stop working after that date. We generally use these cookies to facilitate shopping and registration services.
  3. According to their purpose:
    • Technical cookies: These are those necessary for browsing and the proper functioning of the website. They allow, for example, to control traffic and data communication, access restricted areas, carry out the purchase process of an order, use security elements, store content in order to broadcast videos or share content through social networks.
    • Personalisation cookies: These cookies allow you to access the service with predefined characteristics according to a series of criteria, such as language, the type of browser through which the service is accessed, the regional configuration from where the service is accessed, etc.
    • Analysis cookies: These cookies allow us to quantify the number of users and thus carry out the measurement and statistical analysis of the use made by users of the services provided.
    • Advertising Cookies: These are those that allow the management, in the most efficient way possible, of the advertising spaces that may be included on the website.
    • Behavioural advertising cookies: These cookies store information on user behaviour obtained through continuous observation. Thanks to them, it is possible to learn about your internet browsing habits and to display advertising related to your browsing profile.

This website uses the cookies listed below:

  • Third-party cookies.
  • Technical cookies.

You can restrict, block or delete cookies from this website or any other website by using your browser. Each browser operates differently, the “Help” function will show you how to do this.