The VTS series is specially designed to overcome the limitations of rear-mounted collectors.

This new series offers you a totally different and innovative product, with high performance and great advantages for the harvesting of nuts.


VTS rear mounted nut collector VTS

Main features

  • Very low weight.
  • Three-point corrected attachment (no damage to branches, trunk or fruit).
  • Continuous circular vibration with the possibility of power variation of 30-40% with a very simple operation (5 min.) depending on the type of tree to be harvested (almond trees).
  • New mooring arms with double anchorage that allow us to attach to trunks with diameters ranging from 8 to 40 cm.
  • The end result of the addition of the built-in vibration type and the three-point corrected engagement system is that the knockdown rates are excellent with no damage.

Control and movement of the VTS rear mounted nut collector VTS

The movements and vibration are carried out in a very comfortable and simple way by means of an electronic cobra control.

Opening, closing of platform tarpaulins.
Opening, closing of vibration head arms.

CATALOGUE OF VTS rear mounted nut collector VTS

VTS rear mounted nut collector VTS

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